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INFLCR  Compensation


  • Student $3 Donations:                                  50% commission


  • Non-Student Donations:                                25% commission                                              Maximum $100,000 per donation


Examples for Non-Student Donations:

$500,000 donation

Commission $100,000 (25% would be $125,000,

Capped at the $100,000 maximum)     


$200,000 donation

Commission $50,000 (25% of $200,000)                                                                                              $50,000 donation

Commission would be $12,500 (25% of $50,000)


Important: It is crucial that all your referrals use your unique assigned referral code to ensure accurate tracking of your earned commissions.



Donation Channels

All donations must be processed through:

  1. Donation boxes on the website

  2. QR code scans


Payment Process

  • Commission payments will be disbursed through the INFLCR app

  • Payment cycle: 30 days after donor payments have cleared

  • Minimum payout threshold: $50

  • Payment frequency: Monthly



  • If your balance is $500 at month-end, you will receive $500

  • If your balance is $250, you will receive $250

  • If your balance is $40, payment will be deferred until the $50 threshold is reached



Representative Requirements

All representatives are required to:

  1. Register as a subscriber (if signing up students)

  2. Pay the $3 subscription fee

  3. Utilize their assigned referral codes


It is essential to lead by example in this initiative. Contributing personally demonstrates your commitment and belief in the cause, making your solicitations more credible and effective. By using your own referral code, you'll reduce your net contribution cost to $1.50, as you'll receive a 50% commission on your personal registration fee. This approach not only aligns you with the program's goals but also provides you with firsthand experience of the donation process, enhancing your ability to guide potential donors effectively.


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